0203 086 7986 info@londonvoiceover.com

Maeve Curry - London Voice Over

Maeve is an Irish actor/singer and delivers a warm, clear and engaging voice quality. Her West of Ireland accent adds a uniquely appealing tone to each project undertaken whilst remaining fully flexible and adaptable to the specific brief on hand. Her most recent voice over work was on behalf of Lightful in which she recorded material for their online video tutorials. Maeve writes her own blog (maevecurry.wordpress.com) and is adept at helping to shape and structure scripts where the need arises.

Female / 30s / English / Southern Irish

Call us : 0203 086 7986

Email : info@londonvoiceover.com


Male Artists

Female Artists


Recording Facilities




Manchester Voiceover


Telephone :
0203 086 7986

© 2022 London Voiceover, a division of Trevor Danns Company Ltd